Why I Don’t Chase Lucid Dreams

But I might practice it with more intention

Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
7 min readOct 10, 2022
Photo by Almos Bechtold on Unsplash

Lucid dreaming. It’s a currently popular practice (especially among young adults) — along with reality shifting, witchcraft, and erotic fan fiction — that I wish had been accepted and popularized when I was a teen.

I’d have gleefully experimented with all those practices as a younger person. Life would have been so full! I’d have been more self-actualized. I may have been cooler, even, in the kind of way that was considered uncool then in the town where I lived, but would have anyway been cool had I been immersed in a community of curious teens attempting astral travel and alchemy.

But life goes the way it goes, and trends rise and fall as they will, and as a 40-something year old (okay, almost 50 year old) who decided to change her career path at mid-life from content marketing to dreamwork and mysticism, I’m not too disappointed with the increasing popularity of lucid dreaming.

I’ve written before here about some of my own experiences with lucid dreaming, which have been pretty limited and entirely spontaneous.



Jen Sonstein Maidenberg

Dreamwork practitioner, researcher, writer. Healthfully obsessed with dreams, time, & memory. To learn about one-on-one dreamwork, visit jenmaidenberg.com